Making Your Moments Spiritual - Let's expand our affinity to Be and extend love. Let's transform to Love.

The Healing Bridge of Symbols and Rituals
Throughout history, mystics have used rituals to form connections between the conscious world of form and the inner, spiritual world which is without form. We believe we live in a physical dimension of time and form. From the perspective of form, it is impossible to perceive the formless infinity of God — All That Is. Symbols and rituals can be bridges to a deeper awareness of the reality of Love's oneness.
This course will help you understand and use the power of rituals as pathways to experiences which transcend time and form. You will learn about potential pitfalls which may cause rituals to block the very spiritual awakening they were intended to assist. You will discover the root meaning and intent of thousand-year-old rituals. You will see how to transform old, lifeless rituals into empowering avenues to knowing the infinite Self. With this understanding, you will create your own inspired ritual to experience a transcendent awareness of your true inner Spirit.
Credentialed Correspondence Study
US$109 for facilitated course - 2-3 hours; Self Study is US $54.00 plus shipping